Trovate 1204 schede
Vulliamy , Lewis , 1791 - 1871
The bridge of the SS. a Trinita , over the Arno , at Florence. Drawn and measured , and accompanied by explanatory remarks by L. W. - 1822

Vulliamy , Lewis , 1791 - 1871
The bridge of the SS. a Trinita over the Arno , at Florence. Drawn and measured , and accompanied by explanatory remarks by L. W. - 1822

Vulliemin , Louis , 1797 - 1879
L' Eglise dans les commencements de la societe moderne. Cartulaire de l' eglise de Notre - Dame de Paris publie par M. Guerard. Recensione - 1852

Vulliemin , Louis , 1797 - 1879
L' Eglise Romaine en Suisse - 1852

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