Trovate 993 schede
Societe royale et centrale d' agriculture. Paris Rapporto su le latrine mobili e senza puzza de' s. ri Cazeneuve e Compagnia , con un supplimento , di N. L. Francois de Neufchateau , letti alla. - 1820
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Societe russe d' horticulture. Moscou Reglement de la Societe russe d' horticulture - 1837
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Society for the extinction of the slave trade and for rge civilization of Africa Proceedings at the first public meeting of the Society for the extinction of the slave trade , and for the civilisation of Africa , held at exeter hall. - 1840
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Society for the improvement of prison disciplline , and for the reformation of juvenile offenders. Londra Rules proposed for the government of gaols , hauses of correction , and penitentiaries. To which are added , plans of prison. and a. - 1820
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