Trovate 1326 schede
Sander , Anton Antonii Sanderi. Flandria illustrata sive provinciae ac comitatus huius descriptio. Accedit et hagiologium Flandriae sive de Sanctis eius provinciae. - 1732
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Sander , Anton Antonii Sanderi Presbyteri Chronographia sacra Brabantiae , sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia abbatiarum , coenobiorum , monasteriorum. - 1726 - 1727
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Sander Rang , Paul Charles Alexandre Leonard Histoire naturelle des Aphlysiens. Premiere famille de l' ordre des Tectibranches. Par m. Sander Rang. - 1828
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Sanders , Henry The history and antiquities of Shenstone in the County of Stafford , illustrated Together with the pedigrees of all the families and gentry , both antient. - 1794
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