Trovate 1705 schede
Robertson , William , storico L' histoire de l' Amerique , The history of America , par m. Robertson. Traduite de de l' anglois , par J. B. A. Suard e H. Jansen - 1778
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Robertson , William , storico Histoire du regne de l' empereur Charles Quint , History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth , precedee d' un tableau des progres de la. - 1771
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Robertson , William , storico L' histoire du regne de l' empereur Charles Quint precedee d' un tableau des progres de la societe en Europe , depuis la destruction de l' Empire Romain. - 1771
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Robertson , William , storico An historical disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the ancients had of India ; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery. - 1791
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