Trovate 1559 schede
Porter , Robert Ker Reisen in Georgien , Persien , Armien , dem alten Babylonien u. s. w. im Laufe der Jahre 1817 - 1820 , Travels in Georgia , Persia , Armenia. - 1823 - 1833
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Porter , Robert Ker A series of engravings. by R. K. P. from the celebrated Odes of Anacreon translated by Thomas Moore. - 1805
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Porter , Robert Ker Travels in Georgia , Persia , Armenia , ancient Babylonia , etc. during the years 1817 , 1818 , 1819 and 1820. By sir R. K. P. With numerous engravings. - 1821 - 1822
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Porter , Robert Ker
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Pagina 318 di 390 ...