Trovate 1410 schede
Plauzio Pezone , Camillo Camilli Plauti iurisconsult. in Ticinensi Gymnasio iurisciuilis ordinarii interpretis aliorumque subscribentium. Quaestio. quae inter duos maximos. - 156.
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Plaw , John Ferme ornee ; or rural improvements. A series of domestic and ornamental designs , suited to parks , plantation , rides , walks , rivers , farms. - 1795
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Playfair , James A geographical and statistical description of Scotland , containing a general survey of that Kingdom , its climate , mountains , lakes. history. - 1819
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Playfair , John Explication de Playfair sur la theorie de la terre Hutton , Illustrations of the huttonian theory of the earth , et Examen comparatif des systemes. - 1815
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