Trovate 1588 schede
Newbigging , Patrick Small Keir Inaugural essay on the impulse and sounds attending the action of the heart in its normal state ; submitted to the Medical Faculty of the University. - 1834
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Newbold , Thomas John Political and statistical account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca , viz. Pinang , Malacca , and Singapore ; with a history of the. - 1839
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------------ Newe Zeytung Weylandt. Kay. May. zu Sophinia gelegen ist. Hat Papst h. zevey Cardinel geschickt zu K. M. und offenlich verkindt das Concilium zu. - 1537
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Newman , Francis William Delitti politici di Casa d' Austria - 1854
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Pagina 283 di 397 ...