Trovate 870 schede
Mac Leay , William Sharp
Annuloso javanica ou description des insectes de Java , par m. W. S. Mac Leay. Precedes d' un extrait des Horae entomologicae du meme auteur - 1833

Mac Leod , John
Voyage of His Majesty' s Ship Alceste , to China , Corea , and the Island of Lewchew , with an account of her Shipwreck. By John Mc Leod. The third. - 1820

Macmichael , William
Le cholera spasmodique de l' Inde est il une maladie contageuse ? Lettre adressee a Sir Henry Halfort. Is the cholera spasmodica of India a contagious. - 1831

Macmichael , William
Journey from Moscow to Constantinople , in the Years 1817 , 1818 , by W. M. - 1819

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