Trovate 912 schede
Laird , Macgregor
Narrative of an expedition into the interior of Africa , by the river Niger , in the Steam - Vessels Quorra and Alburkah , in 1832 , 1833 , and 1834. By M. L. - 1837

Laire , Francois Xavier
Index librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500 ; Chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typographico litterariam illustrantibus. Hunc. - 1791

Laire , Francois Xavier
Index librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500 ; chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typographico litterariam illustrantibus - 1791

Laire , Francois Xavier
Specimen historicum typographia romanae XV. Saeculi , opera et studio P. Fr. Xavier Laire Sequano Burgundi. - 1778

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