Trovate 832 schede
Hume , David Oeuvres philosophiques , the philosophical works , de m. D. Hume traduits de l' anglois da H. B. Merian e J. B. R. Robinet. Nouvelle edition. Prefazione. - 1764
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Hume , David Private correspondence od D. H. with severaldistinguished persons , between the years 1761 and 1776. Now first published from the Originals - 1820
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Hume , David A selection from the Harleian Miscellany of tracts which principally regard the English History ; of which many are referred to by Hume - 1793
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Hume , David Storia d' Inghilterra. Traduzione dall' originale inglese di A. Clerichetti - 1825 - 1837
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