Trovate 1083 schede
Hall , Basil Account of a voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea , and the Great Loo - Choo - Island ; with an appendix , containing charts. by captain. - 1818
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Hall , Basil Entdeckungsreise nach der westkuste von Korea und der grossen Lutschu - Insel , Account of a voyage of discovery to the west - coast of Corea and the. - 1819
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Hall , Basil Entdeckungsreise nach der Westkuste von Korea und der grossen Lutschu - Insel , Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the. - 1819
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Hall , Basil Voyage au Chili , au Peron , et au Mexique , pendant les annees 1820 , 1821 et 1822 , Extracts from a journal written on the Coast of Chili , Peru , and. - 1825
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Pagina 68 di 271 ...