Trovate 1036 schede
Gran Bretagna Papers relative to the recent Arctic expeditions in search of sir John Franlin and the crews of H. M. S. Erebus and Terror. Presented to both Houses. - 1854
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Gran Bretagna Part VII. Correspondance respecting the rigths and privileges of the latin and greek churches in Turkey. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by. - 1854
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Gran Bretagna The penal code of Portugal established by the decree of december 10 , 1852. Presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1854 - 1854
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Gran Bretagna Report of captain Wynne. to the orda of the Committee of privy Council for trade , on professor Gluckman' s invention of a means of communication. - 1854
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Pagina 203 di 259 ...