Trovate 1140 schede
Combe , William
The dance of life , a poem , by the author of Doctor Syntax ; illustrated with coloured engravings by Thomas Rowlandson - 1817

Combe , William
Des Doktor Syntax Reise , The tour of Dr. Syntax. Ein Gedicht in sechsundzwanzig Gesangen nebst dreissig kolorirten Steinstichen , frei aus dem. - 1822

Combe , William
The English Dance of Death , from the designe of Thomas Rowlandson ; with metrical illustrations , by the author of Doctor Syntax - 1816

Combe , William
A history of Madeira with a series of twenty - seven coloured engravings illustrative of the costumes , manners , and occupations of the inhabitants of. - 1821

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