Trovate 1138 schede
Caterino , Luigi Pro recuperata valetudine excellentissimi marchionis Hieronymi Ruffi. Aloysii Caterini elegia - 18..
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Catesby , Mark The natural history of Carolina , Florida and the Bahama Islands : containing the figures of birds , beasts , fishes , serpents , insects , and plants. - 1731
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Catesby , Mark The natural history of Carolina , Florida and the Bahama Islands : containing the figures of birds , beasts , fishes , serpents , insects , and plants. - 1771
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Catesby , Mark Piscium , serpentum , insectorum aliorumque nonnullorum animalium nec non plantarum quarundam imagines quas Marcus Catesby in posteriore parte. - 1750
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Pagina 112 di 285 ...