Trovate 1205 schede
Cary , John Cary' s new itinerary ; or an accurate delineation of the Great Roads , both direct and cross throughout England and Wales. Made. under. - 1821
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Cary , John Cary' s survey of the high roads from London to Hampton Court , Bagshot , Oakingham. On a scale of one inch to a mile. - 1790
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Caryophylis , Joannes Matthaios Caryophilus , Joannes Matthaeus
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Caryophilus , Joannes Matthaeus Antirresis pros Neilon ton Thessalonikes peri tes arches tou papa. Confutatio Nili Thessalonicensis de primatu Papae , auctore Io. Matthaeo. - 1626
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