Trovate 1210 schede
Bruce , James
Travels to discover the source of the Nile , in the years 1768 , 1769 , 1770 , 1771 , 1772 and 1773. By I. B. Kinnaird. The second edition , corrected and enlarged. - 1805

Bruce , James
Voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie , entrepris pour decouvrir les sources du Nil , oendant les annes 1768 , 1769 , 1770 , 1771 , 1772 et 1773 , Travels between the years. - 1790 - 1792

Bruce , John Collingwood
Incised markings on stone , found in the County of Northumberland Argylshire , and other plans , from drawings medi in the years 1863 and 1864. - 1869

Bruce - Whyte , A.
Histoire des langues romanes et de leur litterature depuis leur origine jusqu' au XIV siecle , The romanic tongues and their literature. , par. - 1841

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