Trovate 1120 schede
Bottarelli , F. Dizionario portatile italiano , inglese , e francese , diligentemente compilato dai dizionarii della Crusca , del dott. S. Johnson e dell' Accademia. - 1803
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Bottarelli , F. The new Italian , English , and French pocket dictionary , carefully compiled from the dictionaries of la Crusca ; dr S. Johnson ; the French Academy. - 1820
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Bottarelli , F. Noveau dictionnaire de poche , francois , italien et anglois. Compose sur les dictionnaires de l' Academie de France , de la Crusca , et l' Academie. - 1790 - 1791
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Bottarelli , Francesco The new italian , english , and french pocket dictionary. A new edition , very greatly augmented , and much improved , by a union of the respective. - 1820
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