Trovate 1207 schede
Bolhuis , Joan Hugo van
Diatribe literaria in M. Porcii Catonis Censorii quae supersunt scripta et fragmenta , quam pro gradu doctoratus summisque in philosophia theoretica. - 1826

Bolingbroke , Henry Saint John , viscount of
Letters and correspondence , public and private , of the right honourable Henry St. John , lord viscount Bolingbroke , during the time he was secretary. - 1798

Bolingbroke , Henry Saint John , viscount of
Letters on the study and use of history. By the late Right Honorable Henry St. John , lord viscount Bolingbroke - 1752

Bolingbroke , Henry Saint John , viscount of
Lettres sur l' esprit de patriotisme , sur l' idee d' un roy patriote et sur l' etat des partis , lors de l' avenement de George I , Letters on the spirit. - 1750

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