Trovate 1255 schede
Barruel , Etienne
Memoria sulla estrazione in grande dello zucchero di barbabietole ed alcune considerazioni sulla loro coltura de' signori Barruel. e Massimo Isnard. - 1811

Barry , Edward
Dissertatio medica inauguralis de nutritione. Quam. pro gradu doctoratus , summisque in medicina honoribus , et privilegiis , rite ac legitime consequendis. - 1719

Barry , George
History of hte Orkney Island. Including a wiew of the manners and customs of their ancient and modern inhabitants ; their monuments of antiquity ; their. - 1808

Barry , James
A series of etchings , by J. B. from his original and justly celebrated paintings , in the great room of the Society of Arts , Manufactures , and. - 1808

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