Trovate 1314 schede
------------ Annotationi et discorsi sopra alcuni luoghi del Decameron , di M. Giovanni Boccacci ; fatte dalli molto Magnifici Sig. Deputati da loro Altezze Serenissime. - 1857
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------------ Annotations by Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens , and the various commentators , upon , All' s well that ends well , written by Will. Shakspere - 1787
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------------ Annotations by Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens , and the various commentators , upon Antony and Cleopatra. Written by Will. Shakspere - 1787
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------------ Annotations by Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens , and the various commentators upon As you like it , written by Will. Shakspere - 1787
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Pagina 64 di 329 ...